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New App Design

New Functions

Discover our revamped user interface where design meets simplicity! Our app not only boasts a visual upgrade but is now also incredibly user-friendly.

Maxhaust's new Shopify online store, screenshot

Elevate your tuning experience with Maxhaust products, offering simple control for maximum effect. Immerse yourself in a world where technology not only works seamlessly but also adds an element of fun to your experience.


Enjoy a personalized listening experience without the hassle of manual adjustments.

Easily update your sounds directly through the app!


Take control of your audio setup with our new manual speaker selection feature.


Maxhaust goes multilingual!

Our app now supports 30 other languages!

Introducing Auto-Tune mode for effortless sound customization. Every time you switch sounds, the app will automatically load our recommended settings, streamlining the process of finding your perfect sound.

This level of control ensures that you always enjoy the perfect sound, tailored to your preferences.

Explore the Maxhaust world in your native language, enhancing your tuning experience with a personalized touch.

To delve deeper into this exciting new feature and stay updated on all future features!

We strongly encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter below!

There's plenty more exciting content coming your way in 2024 – you won't want to miss out!

Brand New App Design!


Red car backfiring with flames

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The Maxhaust Active Sound System simulates and reproduces amazingly realistic sounding engines and futuristic e-sounds via the vehicle's inbuilt characteristics...

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